
The fruit contains compounds anthracene.
Possible trouble: violent purgative in case of ingestion of fresh fruit.

Cherry laurel The fruit contains a very dangerous poison.
Chestnut Fruit, bark and leaves contain active ingredients: minerals, manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium. Vitamins B6 and B12. Fatty oil - Esculin-Argirescine - Fraxini - Artyrine - Esculéol - saponins - aescin - Flavonoids - Coumarins.
Use: vasoconstrictor and tonic because of venous aescin, esculin and flavonoids. Blood thinner. Also treats hemorrhoids - prostatic congestion - varicose veins - frostbite.
Caution: high doses, the buckeye is poisonous (saponins). Do not use if pregnant or hypertension.
Elderberry The fruit should be avoided because it produces a strong purge and nausea.
Hazel The leaves, bark of young twigs and catkins contain active ingredients:
Fruit lipids (60%), protein (20%) - Leaves: essential oils, a rhamnoside of myricétol, flavonoids.
Venous tonic, vasoconstrictor - Antihemorrhagics - Depurative - Nutritious - Healing (external) - Thinning (catkins).
Yew Only the fruit, looking like of a bay (the aril) is tolerable, the other parts (seed, leaf, bark) contain taxine, an alkaloid cardio-active and dangerous diterpene taxane derivatives: taxol (inhibitor of cell division). The same Taxol is used appropriately to treat cancer.
Possible trouble:
Achievement of the digestive tract, vomiting, diarrhea. Achievement of the nervous visual disturbances. Achievement of cardiac device: hypotension. Coma. Fatal cases (possible poisoning in sawmills).
Linden Parts used: Bracts - Aubier (soft wood between the heart of the trunk or branches and bark).
Active Ingredients: Bracts: Tannins - Mucilage - saponites - phenolic acids - proanthocyanidins - Flavonoids (hesperidin). Sapwood: phenolic acids - Tannins - Frascoside - esculoside - amino acids.
Use: Bracts: Antispasmodic - mild sedative - sudorific - Diuretic. Sapwood: Draining Hepato Biliary - Diuretic - Antispasmodic.
Traditionally proposed against:
spasms - indigestion - insomnia - headaches
Oleander It contains a poison based on particularly active glucoside.
Olive The leaves contain active ingredients: secoiridoides including oleuropeoside - triterpenoids - Flavonoids - Rutoside - glycosides and the apigénol lutéolol.
Use: Hypoglycemic - Hypotensive - Diuretic.
Warning: some of its action on hypertension, a medical examination is required
Orange tree The orange zest, orange flower and leaves contain active ingredients: Leaves: Hesperidin - Flowers: Essential oil - Fruits: Vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP), sugar - Zest: Limonene - myrcene - Pinene - Linalool.
Use: Sedative - Antispasmodic - Stomachic - antiscorbutic - Tonic - Hemostatic - Anti-infectives.
Treats nervousness - pulsating - insomnia - headache.

Carrier molecules for toxicity: saponins, alkaloids of cinchona in the leaves.
Possible trouble:
Gastrointestinal tract irritation, kidney damage. Convulsions, collapse possible. Cases of death observed.

Rhododendron The molecule carrier is Andromedotoxins toxicity (tetracyclic diterpene). Rhododendron honey can be toxic.
Possible disorders: vomiting, diarrhea. Bradycardia, hypotension. Skin irritations.
Sumac Possible trouble:
Deep dermatitis caused by hair worn by the fruits and stems of Rhus typhina and Rhus Coraria. In Rhus Cotinus are the fruits that cause dermatitis.

Molecule bearing toxicity: thujone, similar to that of the absinthe and tansy.
Possible trouble:
Emmenagogue (effect of thujone). Antihaemorrhoidals (tannin). Cause dermatitis in sensitive individuals. At high doses, the essential oil is a poison of the nervous system.
Use: destruction of warts (external use).

Cherry laurel

The berries can cause trouble, and are considered a violent purgative.

Laurestine Carrier molecules of toxicity:
Scopolétol, esculétol. Viopudial, viburtinal (valepotriates degradation). Excerpts cardio (toxic) tonics in all parts of the plant.
Possible trouble:
Especially violent purgative ingestion of fruits.
Willow The bark of Salix alba contains an active ingredient, salicoside, which gives, in the presence of water, salicylic alcohol. Oxidized, it produces salicylic acid, from which is made aspirin.

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