Etymology: from Greek eu, "good and kommi, "gum ".
Origin: it was known only in culture in China, from where it was introduced into England by 1880.
Hardiness: zone 7 (it supports cold until -17 °C or 1 °F).
Height: 10-20 m tall.
Shape: widely spread.
Leaves: ovate to elliptic, of 10-12 cm long, acuminate, toothed, of bright and tough texture. Ribs are salient.
Features: gum producer; if a leaf delicately is torn, gum filament stretches. Other feature: its leaves fall almost green in autumn, without turning yellow.
Species dioecious (male feet and female feet).
Small, green flowers, appearing at the end of the spring, at the same time as leaves.
Fruit: samara green of 4 cm, in group.
Use: the Malay extracted from it the gum, the guttapercha. In China, its bark has curative applications. |