
Advice of the month July

the summer settles, with its long hot days. Your main worry will be to preserve your garden if you go on holiday: a neighbour will be able to come to water the too dry days, unless you establish a system of watering integrated, properly tested and proved.
  1. Fruit trees
    Prune apple trees, pear trees and other fruit trees with stone fruits.
    Water the young fruit trees to assure their resumption.

  2. Trees and shrubs
    Prune shrubs deflowers (seringa, kolkwitzia).
    Prune the hedges of evergreens, laurels, false-cypresses, privets...
    Prune hedges o Hornbeam, Hazel, Beech, Hawthorn, Snowy Mespilus...
    Watch the appearance of red spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) and Pine Processionary (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) on conifers that will turn yellow and fall off the needles. Spray the foliage thoroughly with clean water in preventing or treating with an insecticide containing deltamethrin. Do not touch Pine Processionaries that create itching. The remedy of a grandfather which consists in burning them is extremely dangerous in a neighbourhood of thirsty conifers (very serious risk of fire).

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